
Lift high the cross

The doors to St. Paul’s 12,000-square-foot Sanctuary opened for the first time in September 2007. The worship space, with seating for 750, breathes the hospitality we cherish. The space is artfully designed to inspire awe and praise to God. State-of-the-art technology accents our 21st-century worship.

The 34-foot-tall cross stretches high above the building’s tower – shining with God’s grace for the surrounding neighborhood. At night, when light drenches the tower and cross, there’s no mistaking that we worship a crucified and risen Lord.

The exterior St. Paul cross draws on design elements from the Eastern Orthodox Church – with features from Latin and Jerusalem crosses. It’s a uniquely St. Paul design.


Local artisans crafted furnishings specially designed to communicate a faith grounded in the Word of God.

Step into the Sanctuary through the large wooden processional doors. The weighty 10-foot doors are crafted with 95 simulated “pegs” to mimic the 95 Theses that Martin Luther posted on the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517.

The eternal light hangs in the Sanctuary threshold. It signals that this is a place where the Lord dwells. The constancy of the flame represents the ever-present nature of Christ.

The central bronze cross is accented with blood-red squares of art glass. The Sanctuary aisles and seating are oriented to the cross – signifying its centrality for our lives.

The communion table invites all people to share in the goodness of the Lord’s Supper.

The baptismal font flows with the lifelong gift of baptism. The design echoes the prow of a ship (or navis in Latin) – a good “naval” image for people who splash daily in the baptismal promises of God.

Stained glass windows

Ten stained glass windows – in the south exposure of the St. Paul Sanctuary – dazzle with light. They tell the story of the life of Jesus – born to live among us, crucified on a cross, resurrected, and still working through us. A much larger window, depicting Christ’s ascension, is mounted within the tall east window.

These Gospel-narrative windows were originally commissioned for the 1952 Sanctuary. Glass artisans restored the windows for their 21st-century home.