
A resourceful, comfortable place

Everyone loves a library. It’s a place to lounge with a good read. A place to meet up with a friend. A place to research a challenging concept. A place to simply get away from it all and gaze out the window.

The St. Paul Library is located on the north end of the Library Commons, in the center of the main level. Step outside and you’ll come face-to-face with the children’s playground, Vander Veer Park, and Lombard Street. The library is open for you whenever the church building is open.

On the shelves, you’ll find resources on theology, biblical studies, personal growth, devotional readings, fiction and biography, large-print books, colorful children’s books, and books-on-tape (with a listening station and headphones). An easy self-checkout system offers abundant grace for book returns.

The library is part of the whole church’s free Wi-Fi hotspot. Use the St. Paul guest Wi-Fi to power up your laptop.