High school

A spirit-enlivened experience

Welcome to St. Paul Youth Ministry for high school students. This is the place to deepen faith and friendships, to serve, learn, and lead together. From high schools all over the Quad-Cities region, teenagers are drawn to a church that supports, encourages, and motivates them for real life.

Each gathering of youth in grades 9-12 is meant to be significant, transforming, identity-building, challenging, and memorable.

Sunday Night Live

Sunday Night Live (SNL) is the strong framework for high school youth. Live, grow, and serve joyfully in the Lord. Jump into super-sized life experiences. SNL has something for everyone. Gather on Sundays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Small groups meet before and on Wednesday evenings.

SNL is a lively mix of food, games, discussions, devotional moments, and worship. Faith comes alive here. An amazing team of adults leads and prays with students. Each month, high school seniors share their faith stories.

Sunday mornings

Sunday morning, 10:15-11 a.m., September-May, high school students gather around one of our youth booths in the Youth Room (on the lower level). Youth ministry volunteers provide topics each week designed to challenge the group and jump into conversations wrapped around God’s presence and perspective, revealing conversations about faith and real life.

Memorable events & trips

Special events are sprinkled into the yearly calendar. They call youth into community and create incredible memories for faith and life. During the school year, youth gather for overnight lock-ins, retreats, evening events, and opportunities to serve. The summer explodes with week-long activities, camps, and adventure trips.

The congregation provides strong financial and prayerful support for the faith adventures of St. Paul youth and their leaders. In the recent past, this support has made possible mission trips to Kansas City and Omaha, the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Houston, and hours of local fun and service during a week of Summer Stretch in June.

Faith Milestones

At St. Paul, faith milestones are special markers along the growing-up journey. Each milestone is grounded in the Bible and nurtures faith in everyday life.

Ninth Grade | Blessing of the Keys: Parents and students come together for conversation about new responsibilities in life, including the ability to drive.  A blessing is said over car keys.

Tenth Grade | Share, save, spend: This is a moment to pause and talk about money intentionally. In this milestone morning, families will begin the conversation about money and examine our hopes and values.

Eleventh Grade | Adventure trip: Students are invited to attend an adventure trip, preparing them for leadership in our community and exploring their faith stories.

Twelve Grade | Baccalaureate Breakfast: Parents and their graduating senior gather for breakfast and conversation about the future.  Students are sent off with a blessing during worship.

Youth Choir

Exercise your faith in song! Youth Choir is for grades 7-12. Learn more


High school: Ellie Lindmark