
Connect with faith – For daily life. For a lifetime.

We Christians live as unfinished products. We’re always discovering and growing and connecting. Four adjectives mark our lives together.


We get to strengthen our relationship with God over the entire course of our lives. Becoming more Christ-like never grows old. Faith forms as children sing “Jesus loves me.” As youth stretch through creative programs. As adults test out new ideas.


At St. Paul, we certainly don’t act as if we have all the answers. We don’t presume to have a corner on the truth. Instead, we think it’s more important to ask the right questions – especially when it comes to the complex issues of our day.


We keep surfacing meaningful ways to dig deeper into our book of faith, the Bible. We like to think of it as “biblical fluency” in the language of faith. Conversing about scripture nourishes our daily experiences and decision-making.


We discover faith within the church community. In the company of others, we ask honest questions, share communal wisdom, and grow in new friendships. Small groups and classes help equip us to live more like Christ.

You’re invited to grow in faith and community. All ages. Whoever you are. Wherever you are on the journey. Pack up your questions and come. Taste and see the goodness of God.