
Real life. Real faith.

Welcome to St. Paul Youth Ministry. This is the place for off-the-charts fun, faith, and friendship. But it’s so much more. Faith hits the road into real life for teenagers. Every encounter is aimed at powerfully nurturing and strengthening the faith of young people and their families.

This church possesses a deep care and commitment for youth. From weekly gatherings to mission trips, this ministry pulls in young people from schools all over the Quad-Cities region. Just find your age group and join in:

Guideposts for youth community

St. Paul leaders have designed an intentional ministry with and for teenagers. We know that the struggle of growing up can come at a high price. Teenagers try to fit in, look good, and feel safe. In the process, friendships, values, interests, and even faith are often sacrificed.

That’s why St. Paul’s youth community is marked by five guideposts. We strive for:

Significance: Everything we do must be valuable. Valuable enough for a kid to ask a parent for a ride to church. Valuable enough to come again and to share enthusiasm with a friend.

Transformation: Everything we do must impact students’ lives. So that it feels like God has been poured into them. So that God is oozing out the edges.

Identity: Everything we do must assure teenagers that they’re in a safe place, are cherished as individuals, and are worth knowing more deeply.

Challenge: Everything we do must push teenagers to discover new ways God is creating this world, this community, and this life.

Memories: Everything we do must inspire and build a faith-bank of positive experiences for young people, so that they’ll be able to draw on memories all life long.

Come. Share. Open up.

Come. Find an awesome community where you matter. Grow your self-image and leadership skills. Share your gifts. Develop respect for the differences of others. Serve those in need. Open up to life with God. Come!

Youth: Ellie Lindmark