Chicago, Tanzania, Iowa state penitentiary trips set for April
St. Paul people are preparing for three learning experiences this month — to Chicago, Tanzania, and the Iowa state penitentiary in Anamosa.
The Free Indeed congregation inside the Iowa men’s penitentiary at Anamosa, Iowa, will welcome a group of St. Paul people for worship on April 7. The new congregation invites inmates of the prison as well as people from the outside to worship together. St. Paul’s Mission Board recently supported this start-up ministry with a $2,000 donation. Interested in learning more about future worshiping opportunities? Contact: Ann McGlynn,
A four-day trip to Chicago April 11-15 will include volunteering, exploring the city, and discussing systemic issues at the root of poverty and injustice. OnSunday morning, the group will worship at Lawndale Community Christian Church, a 40-year-old congregation that includes a health center, legal center, and community development center as part of its ministry. A couple of last-minute spots are now open. If interested in learning more, contact Pastor Katy Warren at
In partnership with Empower Tanzania, a 12-day immersion trip to the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania will include visits to a water project, a gender-based violence initiative, a village health clinic, and a club for the area’s most vulnerable children and families. The guiding principles of this time away will be to be with the people of the area, learn about their lives, and be inspired by their work.