Faith BasiX: Living, Feeling, and Thinking in Faith
Sundays, Apr. 7-28, May 12 & 19, 10:15-11 a.m., Luther Loft
Faith BasiX is an opportunity to dive in and learn more about the Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective. Gain a deeper understanding of your faith and our relationship with God. This session begins April 7.
The first six-week session is an introduction to how we talk and think about God. Theology can be a big word, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn about and explore your personal theology. How does how we think about God relate to how we think about the gospel, the human condition, and who God calls us to be?
This session of Faith Basix is guided by the book How to Think Theologically by Howard Stone and James Duke. Weekly gatherings are led by Mac Mullins and Duane Larson. Duane is a retired ELCA pastor and teaching theologian, having taught at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg and served as President of Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque.
The book is available in the Book Corner for $17.
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Contact: Mac Mullins,