Feeding others in August
Three ways to help feed others in August:
Aug. 14 & 15: Food Pantry gathering
Fill a bag with nonperishable food items, diapers/wipes, and feminine hygiene products. and bring it to church for St. Paul’s annual back-to-school ingathering. The food goes to the Friendly House Food Pantry in Davenport and the women’s and baby products go to families served by Madison Market. What’s needed? Soups, mac & cheese, canned meat (chicken & tuna), cereal, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, bar soap, laundry soap, diapers (sizes 5 and 6), wipes, and feminine hygiene products (tampons and pads). You can also write a check to St. Paul with “Food Pantry” in the memo line. Please, no expired items. Contact: Katy Warren, katy@stpaulqc.org.
Sunday, Aug. 15: Garden Share
Too many tomatoes? Not enough squash? St. Paul people can bring bounty from their gardens and take what they can use or share with others. The harvest left over will be donated to Café on Vine.
Sunday, Aug. 29: Kids Against Hunger meal packaging
St. Paul people will have the opportunity to help package meals to help others through Kids Against Hunger. Kids and adults are welcome. Sign up for a half-hour shift at here.