Is that it?
Is That It?
Well, that’s it. Christmas is over. Pack up the tree, roll up the strings of lights, and eat the rest of the candy canes. I guess it’s time to get back to reality.
Even though our church calendar celebrates Christmas until Epiphany (January 7), I always think that Christmas comes and goes in a flash – especially after the long build-up during Advent. Do you feel that way, too? It doesn’t even seem like we have enough time to really indulge in some of my favorite hymns!
When I feel rushed around this time of year, I remember a hymn, which is fairly new to me comes and from the Arabic language. It is called “On the Night of Christmas (Laylat al-Milad).” The refrain talks about the beauty and peace of Christmas night:
“On the night of Christmas, hatred is dismissed
On the night of Christmas, the earth blooms.
On the night of Christmas, war is buried.
On the night of Christmas, love is born.”
The verses, then, remind us that Christmas is more than a day or a season. Christmas is a way of life:
“When we offer a thirsty person a glass of water, we are in the spirit of Christmas.
When we clothe a naked person with a garment of love, we are in the spirit of Christmas.
When we wipe dry tears in people’s eyes, we are in the spirit of Christmas.
When we cushion every heart with hope, we are in the spirit of Christmas.”
I sing this to myself in January, in July, and anytime of the year when I want to remember the miracle of Christmas. Christmas is an event of God’s love for us. It is the unfathomable gift that God met us and continues to meet us face to face. And we can celebrate Christmas every day by making that love real for each other.
Pretty soon the sights and sounds of Christmas will be gone, but the spirit of Christmas is never ending.
Cathy Crampton
What a lovely hymn. I agree, that we should celebrate Christmas all
year long.
Gary Maiden
Not familiar with that hymn. I’m gonna check it out!
Sandi Wright
This is a lovely hymn. . . .beautiful words to sing all year. Thank you for sharing this.
Jerry Zavitz
Love the words of that song.