2025 Main Street house assistance
As renovations begin to wind down on the 2025 Main Street house, there are still lots of ways to get involved and help get the house ready for its inhabitants at the beginning of March. All kinds of talents and passions are needed.
Donate items
The affordable housing team requests furniture and other home goods to furnish the remodeled Main Street home for incoming residents. New or gently used items in good condition are requested. Items may be dropped off at the house or the church from Jan. 20-26. Please contact Miles Thompson, miles@stpaulqc.org, regarding gently used items. Smaller items can be dropped off at the church. For furniture donations, please contact Miles@stpaulqc.org to coordinate a drop-off time. Questions or need other details? Contact Pastor Katy (Katy@stpaulqc.org). Please deliver all items by Sunday, Feb. 9.
Thank you for your help in providing furniture and home goods for St. Paul’s Affordable Housing Ministry.
View list of needs and sign up.
Deep Clean Crew
Grab those rubber gloves and help the Main Street house shine for its new residents. We’re looking for a crew to help deep clean the Main Street home before donations arrive!
Moving Crew
Do you have a big truck, big muscles, or both? We’d love your help transporting and loading/unloading larger donation items.
Help organize the house
The house is clean, the furnishings have arrived, and residents are nearly ready to move in. But first, help is needed to design and organize the home with the new furnishings. If you have a love of home design and decoration, this role is for you!
Rich Eckhardt
we have a trundle bed with new comforters and dresser plus an accent table if needed. if this is something you need please email me. might need assistance getting it picked up.
Irene Hanssen
I have some furniture in my basement that I would love to donate. I do need help getting it out of the basement and to the house .
Deb Slothower
We’ll bring the patio table and 4 chairs by after Mid-February, after it warms up a bit.