Mission appalachia: fall dates set

Mission | April 3, 2016

As a crew of St. Paul people head to Appalachia April 2-9 to help make homes warmer, safer, and drier, dates for the fall trip have been set – October 1-8, 2016.MA_Fall15

The church’s partnership with Appalachia Service Project (ASP) translates into twice-a-year serving experiences. In October, crews will work in Chavies, Kentucky.

In Appalachia, poverty is more than double the national average. Jobs are few and far between in these mountains. Homes are crumbling. Walls buckle. Roofs leak. Sagging floors pose hazards to all ages.

The trip expense and travel distance are reasonable, at $325 for the week. St. Paul offerings underwrite some of the cost, making a meaningful mission experience possible for a wide range of people.

Seats fill quickly. Sign up online at stpaulqc.org/signups. Contact: Katy Warren, katy@stpaulqc.org.

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