New resident pastor: Megan Eide
Tell us about your family/where you grew up/went to college.
I grew up in Bloomington, Minn. with my parents and my younger sister, Emma. I attended Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minn. all my life. I especially loved participating in Vacation Bible School, attending Cathedral of the Pines Church Camp Lutsen, Minn., and teaching Sunday School. Outside of church, my biggest passions growing up were playing with my neighbors, making cards with my Grandma, and all things band-related (I play the clarinet, bass clarinet, and saxophone).
From 2015-2019 I attended Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minn., where I graduated with a double major in Religion and Communication Studies and a minor in Film and Media Studies. The highlight of my undergraduate experience was completing a pastoral internship abroad in Denmark.
Most recently, I completed my MDiv through the accelerated and innovative MDivX program at Luther Seminary. While a full-time student, I was also a part-time pastoral intern at Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Lakeville, Minn.
What brings you joy?
I am a kid-at-heart who loves to learn with and from others. I especially love learning about the world around me via stories, media, and traveling. Nothing brings me more joy and wonder than seeing how the Holy Spirit lives, moves, and works through all people all over the world.
Why did you want to become a pastor?
I always knew that, no matter what I did in life, I wanted to help people, but I could never quite figure out how to support people without bringing God into the picture. Even as a little kid, I would see someone feeling sad or hurt, and I wanted to tell them that it would be okay because Jesus loves them. One day in high school I experienced that message for myself — a deep sense of calm and trust that I am a beloved child of God. Ever since then, I have felt called to help others experience God’s loving care through faith and community too.
What intrigues you about St. Paul?
I feel quite honored and excited to continue growing in my vocation at St. Paul. My previous internship site was a small, suburban congregation with one pastor and one part-time secretary, so St. Paul will give me a whole new learning experience with a large, central city, intergenerational congregation.
What are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to meeting the congregation, learning about all of St. Paul’s ministries, and having some of my pastoral “firsts” like accompanying people at important moments of their lives.
What draws you to St. Paul?
I am drawn to the warm congregation with its passion and energy for God’s work in the world. I am also humbled and thrilled to be part of the St. Paul pastoral residency program. This congregation has an outstanding reputation for helping new pastors grow in their vocations and hit the ground running in ministry, and I am blown away by the colleagues and members I will have the chance to work with over the next two years.
What are you passionate about?
As both a minister and a theologian, I am passionate about children, youth, and families. I believe children have some of the strongest, most beautiful embodiments of spirituality and God’s love, and as a Christian public leader, I am always wondering how the Church can better support and empower young people.
Get to know Megan:
- My cocker spaniel Nisse is the love of my life! We enjoy hikes and volunteering as a therapy dog team together.
- For fun, I love to cross country ski, try out new coffee shops, and have game nights with friends and family. Also in my free time, I study Danish language and culture. It is my not-so-secret dream to do ministry in Denmark again someday.
- Before moving to Iowa to serve at St. Paul, I played bass clarinet professionally with the First John Philip Sousa Memorial Band, Edina, Minn., and I hope to find some other opportunities to make music in Davenport.
- I have had the opportunity to pursue my academic interests in children and religion in two projects so far: a peer-reviewed journal article on depictions of religion in children’s visual media and a global anthology on child theologies (co-edited with one of my Gustavus professors). I hope someday to go on for a PhD, so I can do more research in these areas.
Jerome Nilssen
Danebod was my first call, 1961, and in many ways the best. Wonderful that you know Danish; know Grundtvig too. And perhaps sneak in a Soren. I’m happy for you and the parish. Give them your best, be open for their welcoming. Some day I’d be grateful to come back for my last aermon.
Laura Stransky
Pastor Megan, I hope you are the perfect choice for Danebod Lutheran.
I grew up at Danebod and LOVE that church family!