Participate in a neighborhood cleanup

News | April 6, 2023

Spring cleaning the St. Paul neighborhood
Saturday, April 22, 10 a.m.-12 noon

Three times a year volunteers don bright vests, grab buckets and litter picker-uppers, and take to the streets surrounding St. Paul. The Make it Yours Neighborhood Cleanup has been beautifying the neighborhood for more than 10 years.

Jules Irish has been coordinating the cleanups since 2015. She said it’s a great event for everyone to participate in.

“Anyone who can walk and hold a bucket or grabber can participate,” Jules said. “We love to have families. It’s a great experience that teaches children to care for our environment at a young age.”
The immense impact litter has on our environment makes these cleanup events vital.

“Taking care of our environment is doing God’s work. When you litter, that garbage gets ground down, makes its way into the drains, and eventually ends up in our rivers and oceans. Those pieces of litter start adding up in our water systems, creating a whole chain of events.”

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