Advent devotion: Serving line
My faith has led me down some curious paths, and more than once, it’s led me to the serving line at the Salvation Army meal site. Maybe more there than anywhere, pouring milk and handing out plates of food, I feel our connectedness to God. Filling those hungry tummies, I understand the meaning of the phrase, “God’s work,” and in turn, my hungry soul is also fed.
Undoubtedly, when I visit there, I end up asking myself and God a lot of questions. I find myself pondering what circumstances lead these individuals here. What choices or bad luck left them hungry and often lonely? Could it happen to me? Do they rejoice, as I do, during the Christmas season or does it just make hard times feel even harder? What else can I do to make a difference in these lives?
Visiting the dining room of a free meal site certainly gives me many things to ponder. But thankfully, it also reminds me that there is much to treasure. Simple, everyday graces are miracles we may take for granted – a friend to talk with, a warm coat, shoes that fit, a hot meal. Most importantly, we have a God that loves us so, and sent the greatest gift ever shared – salvation. It’s a gift that arrived in the form of a baby like us all; hungry, vulnerable, and loved dearly by God.
Tami Hurd is senior operations manager with Ausdal Financial Partners in Davenport. She lives in Bettendorf with her husband, Jason, and their two sons.