Shed, food, move, aprons, donuts
What do these five things have in common? They all describe ways that St. Paul people can serve in the coming weeks. Looking for a Lenten practice? Serving is one beautiful opportunity.
A SHED FOR SHALOM: Support Camp Shalom by volunteering to help build a replacement storage shed for the climbing tower. The first phase is to build the walls. Meet on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5:30 p.m., at Tom Bley’s house, 107 Hollows Court, LeClaire. Bring a battery impact driver if you have one – some will be available. Sign up here.
2136 YOUNG ADULTS: Join 2136 for an evening of service at the River Bend Food Bank, 4010 Kimmel Dr., Davenport, on Thursday, March 5, 5-7 p.m. If you plan to attend, please contact Pastor Hayden beforehand to sign a required waiver. 2136 is a young adult group that usually meets on the first and third Thursday of every month. Email Pastor Hayden.
MOVING CREW: The first home refurbished for the affordable housing program is nearing completion. The family will move in on Saturday, March 7. Help is needed with moving, starting at 8:30 a.m. Can you help? Sign up here.
RED APRON CREW: The St. Paul community of faith gathers for worship services and meal fellowship on five Lenten Wednesdays, March 4 — April 1. The Red Apron Crew offers the warmth of hospitality and service during the evening meals, 5-7 p.m. To help fill drinks, clear tables, and offer conversation to those who come for Lenten suppers, sign up here.
GREEN APRON CREW: Reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill from our Lenten dinners by being a part of the Green Apron Crew. These dishwashers scrape, rinse, wash, recycle, and compost on Wednesday evenings, March 4-April 1, 5-7 p.m. Interested in being a part? Email Duane Haas.
EVERYTHING IS BETTER WITH DONUTS: Looking for a fun place to plug into volunteering? We’ve got just the spot. The St. Paul donut counter is the fuel-up location on Sunday mornings and we are looking for people to help serve. Interested? Connect with Todd Byerly.