Slow Faith
They gather in homes and at church, to spend time with each other, delight in fellow lives, and to deepen their faith.
These gatherings of the Women of the ELCA are a time of study and togetherness. Each month, a Bible study guides the time. This year, instead of a year-long study, each season will have its own.
For the fall, Liv Larson Andrews, pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Spokane, Washington, created a study on speed and slowness. It’s called Slow Faith.
• September: Sabbath Keeping
• October: Make Haste O Lord
• November: Tempo Giusto
• December: Advent devotion
Then, for winter and spring, a four-session Bible study will explore the book of Philippians. It is written by E. Louise Williams, a retired pastor, and the Rev. Phyllis N. Kersten of the Lutheran Deaconess Association.
“Philippians is a wonderful book,” the authors write. “Paul had founded the Christian church in Philippi a number of years before and now writes to encourage them. Even though he is imprisoned, Paul does not seem downcast or discouraged. On the contrary, he thinks his suffering might have positive results for the gospel’s continued extension in the world.”
• January: Confidence in God’s Beginnings and Endings (Philippians 1:1-26)
• February: Servant-Shaped Soldiers (Philippians 1:27-2:18)
• March: Being of One Mind (Philippians 2:19-4:3)
• April: Keep On Keeping On (Philippians 4:4-23)
• May: An intergenerational study.
Women of the ELCA monthly gatherings
For information about locations, contact Karin Hanson at or Donna Naae at