St. Paul welcomes new pastor of children and family life
How can we make the Bible fun, and get its impact to stick? These are the two questions Pastor Kendra Thompson asks herself when planning programming for children and families. She will begin at St. Paul in mid-August as the pastor of children and family life.
Kendra grew up in Missouri, Colorado, Texas and Utah. She earned degrees from the University of Utah, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and her M.Div. equivalent for ordination from Philips School of Theology. Before arriving at St. Paul, Kendra served a variety of churches in a variety of capacities. The common thread has involved learning and working with young people.
Kendra is wife to John, on faculty at St. Ambrose University, mom to Joe, 4, and Andi, 2, and an avid writer. Some of her work can be found online at Think Christian, Tiny Faith, and Cry, Laugh, Snort.
Joseph Holub
St Paul LC is fortunate to have you and will be blessed by your ministry!
Deb Lamp
Welcome Kendra, we are so fortunate to have you join us. I look forward to meeting you
Betty Marriett
Cry, laugh and snort tickles my funnybone. Anxious to meet you.
Darlene Schluensen
Welcome Kendra!! I look forward to meeting you and your family!!!
Carol Seitz
We are so fortunate to have you on board. WELCOME!
Hessling Deanna
Welcome Kendra!
Pat Koranda
Welcome Kendra. God bless you and thank you as you work with our congregation’s youngest members.