Worship, give on Thanksgiving Eve
Gratitude. Groceries. Reunion.
Stock a paper bag with nonperishable food items and toiletries and bring it to worship on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 27, or the weekend after, Nov. 30-Dec. 1. The food goes to the Friendly House Food Pantry in Davenport, and the women’s and baby products go to Madison Market.
What’s needed? Soups, mac & cheese, canned meat (chicken & tuna), cereal, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, bar soap, laundry soap, diapers (sizes 5 and 6), wipes, and feminine hygiene products (tampons and pads). Expired items are accepted.
A fun grocery cart procession for the kids will take place during worship on Thanksgiving Eve. Then, come and help sort the collection at noon on Sunday, Dec. 1. No need to sign up. Pizza will be served.