Book lovers

Crack open a good book

In small groups, the people of St. Paul enjoy diving into books that stretch how they see themselves and their faith in this world. Jump into a group – anyone is welcome to come at any time.

Faithful Readers

Listen to the whisper of God’s voice in the pages of good books – second Thursday evenings, in September, October, March, and April, 7 p.m., Church House Living Room. The group is led by Katie Hanson and Dave Crowe, who teach English at Augustana College. Enriching conversations are always topped off with tempting desserts.

Contact: Katie Hanson

Occasional Tuesdays Book Group

Wake up with coffee and time together over a good book on Tuesdays, 7-7:45 a.m. This group meets in a three- or four-week series approximately three times a year.

Contact: Katy Warren


Book Lovers: Pastor Peter A. Pettit