Why We Give
Extravagant generosity
We give generously not for recognition, show, publicity, or even to meet a specific project objective, worthy as that project may be. The highest priority for giving always grows out of the beautiful recognition that we are blessed people who live as daily recipients of the awesome kindness and grace of a living Lord.
St. Paul’s philosophy of giving is rooted in a biblical understanding of generosity. God’s mercy and love are not distributed in pinched or stingy fashion, but extravagantly shared. We seek to emulate that generosity by using our personal resources for others in ways that reflect a large-hearted faith.
Every gift given to the Lord through the church is a welcome gift, particularly when it is shared with deep love and gratitude to God. At St. Paul, we understand our regular giving toward the ministry and mission commitments of the congregation to take place through the Daily Ministry Budget. As the name suggests, our congregation’s “daily” work and commitments throughout the year are funded by this budget.
Anyone can give from their leftovers. Christian people make a point of giving from the top of their blessings, not the bottom. St. Paul encourages people to work to grow their household’s total charitable giving to attain the biblical tithe, 10 percent of income. Of this total, members should give to their church what gives them joy to share. Such intentionality and thoughtfulness is part of the joy of a faith-filled and God-centered life. In turn, the congregation sets an example by well-exceeding the biblical tithe in its benevolent giving.
Why we give: Laura Scott