A good adventure
I love a good adventure. I have been looking forward to visiting my brother and his girlfriend in Denver since January, because I knew it would be exciting. My brother, Philip, doesn’t do mundane. There’s a reason he flies planes and loves what he does. This trip, I knew, was going to be busy, fun, and filled with lots of time in the outdoors in the fresh mountain air.
As the miles of Nebraska sprawled out before me in a vastness I hadn’t experienced since the plains of North Dakota, the memories of all of the adventures my faith has taken me on came flooding back. Vivid memories of the stoic mountains in Slovakia that surrounded the town where I lived, the grand Chicago skyline, the lush fields of North Dakota, the vibrant colors of India, the holiness of Israel came to mind.
Faith can be an adventure to some of the most incredible places. For some, faith is traveling the world, going where God’s spirit blows. For others, the adventure unfolds in one place – raising a family and living the Christian life. The thrill of it all is in the relationships formed, the stories shared, and experiences that molded you into who you are as a child of God.
The book of Acts is another adventure story about God’s faithful people. The disciples are sent out to other places. Paul was called and sent to share all of the great things God has done both for him and for the world. They encountered new people, struggles, and successes. The Holy Spirit sends them on adventures sharing their faith and God’s love for all. God shaped and formed God’s people through their faithful witness.
As the expansive Nebraska landscape stretched out in all directions, I realized that the expanse is like the adventure of faith. It is open with stories waiting to be told, and encounters waiting to happen. God forever beckoning us to share our faith. As I drove, my heart leaped with excitement, because wherever I go, the Holy Spirit was and is preparing the way for many adventures to come.
– Liesebet Gravley, associate pastor
Your last sentence is brilliant and says it all. It makes each day exciting.