Confirmation faith stories begin this weekend
Faith stories, the culmination of the confirmation experience, are a 2-3 minute presentation. During this time, teenagers will speak about how they see God at work in the world and in their individual lives. Faith stories will be shared during the Sunday morning learning time (10:20-11:05 a.m.) and students will be recognized at either the 9 or 11:15 service.
The sessions will be held in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Sunday, September 19 (9 a.m. service)
Sophie Barnds
Ella Boehm
Grace Boehm
Gabby Evans
Ashanti Kolwey
Kailee McCaw
Mallory McDonald
Makenna Posten
Maddie Sierk
Mary Cate Townsend
Estelle Treiber
Sunday, September 26 (9 a.m. service)
Rowan Appel
Jocelyn Bock
Eva Fielder
Adelia Good
Mia Hinds
Camryn Retzl
Sara Schutte
Emily Thoreson
Anna Tryon
Sunday, October 3 (11:15 a.m. service)
David Ball
Freddy Bittingingwa
Zach Curtis
Tyler Gelles
Jacob Neymeyer
Jace Page
Brock Rathje
Aidan Ryan
Connor Shinn
Isaac Westerhof
Grant Wilson
Tanner Yates
Sunday, October 9 (11:15 a.m. service)
Gabby Andersen
Rachel Ehlers
Ellie Holdorf
Macy Krafka
Anna Ruth
Alyssa Stradt
Sunday, October 17 (11:15 a.m. service)
Jonathan Bergert
Caden Buhr
Harrison Fierce
Gabe Franzman
Adam Grothesen
Jackson Laver