Dig in for Earth Month
On two upcoming weekends, St. Paul people will have the opportunity to clean up and plant the Earth.
Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m.-12 noon: Help keep the St. Paul corner of the world clean at the Make It Yours Neighborhood Cleanup. This few-times-a-year event sends out a crew of people to pick up trash that has accumulated in a few-block area around the church. Meet at the west preschool doors. Supplies and snacks will be provided. Jules Irish is the contact: julesi@mchsi.com.
Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m.-12 noon: The first planting of the season for the St. Paul Community Garden will be on this day. A variety of jobs are available to start the growing in two garden plots in the neighborhood. The food grown is donated to those who struggle with food insecurity. Matt Schroeder is the contact: schroeder4rivermont@yahoo.com.