Ingathering, garden share, backpack blessing

Mission | August 13, 2019

This coming weekend, St. Paul people will bring food and personal care items for neighbors, share garden bounty with friends, and bless the backpacks of kiddos heading back to school.


St. Paul people gather food for the Friendly House Food Pantry and diapers/wipes/feminine hygiene products for Madison Market three times a year – May, August, and November. To make a monetary donation, indicate “food pantry” on your check memo line or envelope. To help sort the collection at noon on Sunday, Aug. 18, meet in the Gathering Area. This lively 90-minute project is one for all ages and abilities. A light lunch will be available. No need to sign up, just come!

Friendly House needs

Soups, mac & cheese, canned meat, cereal, canned fruits & vegetables, peanut butter & jelly, toilet paper, bar & laundry soap.

Madison Market needs

Diapers (size 3, 4, and 5), Baby wipes, tampons (regular and super), pads, (regular and super).


Tables will be set up in the Gathering Area for St. Paul people to bring bounty from their gardens after the 7:45 and 9 a.m. worship. A crop from the St. Paul Community Garden will be there, too. St. Paul people are welcome to take what they can use or share with others. The harvest left over will be donated to Café on Vine.


Bring your backpacks and school bags for a blessing during worship at 9 & 11:15 a.m. During the children’s message, each child will receive a memento for their backpack to remind them that God loves them, no matter where they go.

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