Quilters weave together care
In 2023, the St. Paul quilting ministry lovingly completed 89 full-sized quilts, 22 tweeners (or in-between sizes), and 69 baby quilts to be shared with those in need. These handcrafted creations were donated to Christian Family Care Center in Moline, Lutheran World Relief, Child Crisis Center, Edgerton Women’s Health Center, those facing housing insecurity, and even local business owners who share them with neighbors in need.
The quilting group expanded its ministry through a new partnership with Ridgecrest Village. St. Paul quilters gather and provide materials to a group within the retirement community that ties quilts for newborns.
Thank you to all who helped make this possible. From cutting squares, piecing together quilt top kits, and sewing quilt tops to tying quilts, finishing bindings, and cutting batting – it takes many hands to wrap others in loving care!
Interested in quilting? This group gathers monthly and also welcomes those who like to cut squares or sew quilt tops at home. Contact: Belinda Holbrook, belinda@holbrook.fm.