Summer lunch series: Misfits
For five Tuesdays this summer, July 3-31, 12 noon in the Library Commons, St. Paul pastors and staff will lead a lunch-time series about misfits of the Bible and of today. They include people who were ostracized, made fun of, looked away from. Bring a sack lunch.
Bartimeus, Moses, Jacob, & people living with disabilities
July 3: Pastor Sara Olson-Smith and Tammy Hermanson, pastoral residency administrator
Moses didn’t let his stutter stop him from standing up to Pharaoh. Jacob was blessed with a limp. The healing of blind Bartimeus provoked an insightful conversation of faith, inclusion and disability. Today, leaders and activists living with disabilities can teach us what it means to live with courageous, compassionate, and embodied faith.
Ehud & Leonardo Da Vinci
July 10: Pastor Katy Warren and Andy Langdon, youth director
Historically, left-handers have been thought of as a bit “different,” as outcasts, or ones who sometimes go against the grain. But in the Old Testament story of a judge named Ehud, who happens to be left-handed, we discover that sometimes these perceived rebels can use this unique attribute to their advantage. In more recent days, the intriguing habits of artist Leonardo DaVinci, another left-hander, reminds us that all of us have particular attributes that can be used for the good of others.
Rahab & rescuers
July 17: Pastor Josh Kestner and Ann McGlynn, director of communication
Rahab was a strong woman with a reputation of being a prostitute. She helped two Israelite spies escape Jericho, professed her faith in God, and is believed to possibly be an ancestor of Jesus. Today, women and men here and around the world empower and advocate for those who are victims of sex trafficking. They believe in the humanity and worth of those who are abused, sometimes risking their own lives in the pursuit of justice.
Legion & the mind of mental illness
July 24: Pastor Peter W. Marty and Todd Byerly, operations director
Legion is the name of the man who lived with demons on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Ostracized and dangerous, he lived naked in a cemetery. The power of his story and life experience prompts us to take a look at the unpredictable workings of a mentally troubled mind. In small groups, explore the tragedy and triumph that often accompany a life where mental illness is present. A peek at a life story from our day will accent the conversation.
The Syrophoenician Woman & Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg
July 31: Pastor Kelsey Fitting-Snyder and Karen Holden, book corner manager
The Syrophoenician woman refused to back down, even to Jesus. She had a need and a concern and she used her voice to fight for her daughter. Her actions caused Jesus to rethink his own action. Taking inspiration from the many movements around us, such as March for our Lives, how can we hear the cries of those around us and make changes in our own behavior?