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Faith Formation

Featured Events

6:30p LGBTQ Families Group @ Living Room
LGBTQ Families Group @ Living Room
Feb 17 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Join others in the safety of a gracious community where shared experience and open conversation cultivate compassion, friendship, and support for everyone involved in the journey of acceptance and lov...
6:30p Cinema & Spirituality @ The Last Picture House
Cinema & Spirituality @ The Last Picture House
Feb 18 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
In this monthly series, go to the cinema and explore life's meaning from beginning to end. The book A Whole Life in Twelve Movies is a reflection on various stages and moments of life by Kathleen...
2p Stroke Support Group @ Luther Loft
Stroke Support Group @ Luther Loft
Feb 19 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Stroke survivors and their families come together in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support to assist in recovery.  Contact: Karen Caldwell,
Full Calendar →

Radical Hospitality

Everyone counts at St. Paul. Everyone matters. No exceptions. We take seriously the biblical understanding of the church as the Body of Christ.

We value people of every racial identity, ethnicity, citizenship, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity — yes, everybody. We celebrate diversity as a gift from God. Inclusivity enriches our congregation as we become a more vibrant reflection of the larger community.

Passionate Worship

Nothing a congregation does compares with the importance and passion of its worship life. Worshiping together with other believers is our most prized moment for giving honest thanks to God. It’s that focused occasion in a given week for all of us to stop pretending to be God.

Lutheran worship is not a spectator sport. Everyone participates. Our exuberant praise, stirring music, grace-filled words, holy communion, and prayers draw on our deep tradition and from influences around the world.

Intentional Faith Formation

Lutheran Christians consider their lives to be unfinished products. They are constantly seeking to grow in faith and deepen the meaning of their days. Lifelong learning is a big deal at St. Paul. We delight in every opportunity to strengthen our relationship with God over the entire course of our lives, learning with other Christian brothers and sisters and people of different faiths.

Ours is a congregation that does not act as if it has all the answers. In fact, we think clarity in asking the right questions is more important than presuming to have some corner on the truth, especially given the complex issues of the day.

Courageous Service

St. Paul is a servant church. We take our cues for serving others from Jesus Christ, who in a single sentence summed up the importance of being available to others: I came not to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28).

Although self-interest is an everyday human instinct, St. Paul people strive to show up for others. We recognize that structures and systems often fail to meet people’s basic needs and limit their wholeness as children of God. Our faith moves us to work for change wherever it is needed. Acts of solidarity, advocacy, and personal sacrifice are at the heart of our commitment to building a more just and hope-filled society.

Extravagant Generosity

Grateful people are generous people. Interestingly enough, they are also happy people. St. Paul centers its life around gratitude to God for the abundant blessings of life. We believe strongly in the idea that “you make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give away.”

Our congregation makes an extraordinary commitment to give generously to others. This generosity is fueled by the individual joy and commitment of all our people seeking to lead grateful — and happy — lives.