A life together
St. Paul Lutheran Church is the congregational home and spiritual center for people from all walks of life. That includes many couples preparing for marriage and many others recently married.
The church receives a large volume of requests for weddings in the Sanctuary and Chapel. The established wedding policy of the church includes these two provisions:
- The bride or groom must be a member of the congregation, or the child or grandchild of a presently active member.
- Any member desiring to schedule a wedding must be an active member on the rolls of the church for a full 12 months before any scheduling of a wedding date can occur and before any deposit for such a wedding can be received.
Premarriage preparation at St. Paul includes two separate expectations of couples. First, a pastor will meet with the couple on two or three occasions to explore a range of issues connected with marriage and family relationships. These premarital counseling sessions are informal, but crucial for laying the foundation of your life together.
Second, couples attend Patterns for a Lasting Marriage, a half day pre-marriage experience. They will consider those aspects of engagement and marriage that research shows most important:
- Care of the relationship/family of origin
- Communication/conflict/stress
- Personal growth and its benefits for marriage
- Hopes, expectations, spirituality of marriage
Even though St. Paul is not able to serve the wedding desires of every couple who comes through its doors, the congregation is delighted to be the spiritual home for all kinds of couples. We invite you to explore setting down roots at St. Paul. You can grow your faith alongside the people of St. Paul – wherever your wedding ceremony occurs.
Weddings: Mackenzie Griffin