A hush fell over the crowd
There is a lot of chatter in the world. Does it feel that way to you, too? We have round-the-clock news on television and radio, and social media is just a finger’s-length away at all times. Some people never stop to take a breath. I wonder, though, whether or not anyone is really listening to all that talk? Can anyone really hear over all of the noise?
A short excerpt from James 1:19-20 has been in my mind lately. The author writes, “You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.” Listen. It’s easy to forget to do that in such a stimulating world. Maybe we are afraid that we’ll miss our chance to chime in. It takes a challenging, conscious effort to listen before we speak or get angry.
It’s especially difficult to listen when there are so many triggers in the news. One of the most divisive stories we’re facing today comes from the National Football League. Several players have been kneeling as a sign of protest during the singing of the national anthem. Many reactions to these protests have been loud and insensitive. Whether people are in support of the players or disagree with them, anger is boiling over into everyday conversations.
But, if we’re too quick to shout our own opinions on the matter, then we might miss something important. If we listen, then we might gather something that we need to hear. From those who are protesting, we might hear about the constant struggles that people of color face as they try to navigate their way through ordinary parts of life. From those who disagree, we might hear about the hardships of underappreciated veterans who do not feel supported after giving so much of their lives to this country. If we listen, we are sure to hear that we have neighbors who are hurting and who need our love and support.
Being slow to speak and slow to anger allows us the luxury of listening. And once we hear the cries of pain all around us, then we can use our voices and our anger to do something about it.
God, give us listening hearts so that we do not fill this world with anger and arguments, but instead with love and peace for all of your children.
–Josh Kestner, pastor in residency
Trish Gerwig
You rock, Josh. Listening is a hard skill to develop but well worth it. Watched an interview with a veteran who had a conversation with one of the NFL players – who agreed to kneel instead of sit for the anthem. The vet felt that kneeling was more respectful. A change occurring because two individuals listened to each other.
Thanks for bringing up a sensitive topic and tying it to the Gospel.
love you, MIL (mom-in-law)
David DeWit
Often, listening is all that is needed by those who are hurting.
Carol Seitz
A point well taken and listened to in this Tower of Babel we live in today.
Don Garrison
Don’t want to miss my chance to chime in. I didn’t realize when I first read the old testament story of the Tower Of Babel , that it was actually a prophet telling us about the world of twitter that we experience to day. Too much noise, confusion and babel being sent thru all those towers. Time for a tumble.
Len Bruce
I appreciate your timely and thoughtful comments. Too rarely, do we stop to listen before announcing our opinions, condemn those who disagree with us or challenge our core beliefs.
Thank you you for a voice of reason in an otherwise unreasonable climate of fear, distrust, and revenge.