Beyond Words – Exploring key words of faith

News | September 3, 2015

Words have gravity and power. We contemplate them and “chew” on them because at a deep level they contain our feelings, aspirations, and thoughts. In many respects, words are the currency of living. They make meaning for our lives and help us order our days. They have performative power, informing, persuading, soothing, judging, affirming, and much more.

Living the Christian life well involves using words considerately. We can even say that to take Jesus Christ seriously is to take words seriously. Saint John opens his gospel account by describing Jesus as the Word, which is our clue that this word is God’s best mode of expression. God speaks to us through words, and through the Word, in order to draw us into a relationship of love and faith.

Beyond Words is a five-week Monday evening series devoted to conversation around ordinary words in the lexicon of faith. Each evening, Pastor Marty presents on one specific word deserving attention for our vocabulary of faith. Small group discussion will then explore the spiritual significance behind that word as participants wrestle over various questions.

Dessert and coffee kick off the 7:00 – 8:30 evening time slot. The expectation is that one signs up for the whole series on Mondays, September 28-October 26. Beyond Words is open to the community. No cost.

Sign up is required. Space is limited. Deadline is Monday, Sept. 21.


One comment on “Beyond Words – Exploring key words of faith”

  • Lori Byerly

    September 3, 2015 at 9:08 pm

    Sara, thank you for reminding us not to run through life. There are daily moments that we might cherish for years if we pause long enough to “see” them. Please thank Susannah for teaching all of us a powerful lesson.

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