Fall start-up set for Sept. 13
Fall Start-Up is when we return to the fullness of our Sunday-morning learning and worship life. Sunday worship returns to 8, 9:20, and 11:45 a.m., with Saturday worship at 5:30 p.m. Learning classes begin for all ages, 10:45-11:30 a.m. There’s no need to register in advance – just come!
The classroom journey begins at age 3. The Spark curriculum from Augsburg Fortress guides the adventure. Find your child’s classroom in the education wing. Look for smiling folks in red to guide the way.
Sunday morning gatherings are offered each week for students in grades 6-12 in the Lower Level Youth Rooms. On Sunday evenings, high schoolers grab a booth or a spot on the carpet monster for Sunday Night Live, 7:15- 8:30 p.m., with small groups meeting beforehand. Special note: On Sunday, Sept. 13, come at 6:30 p.m. for a potluck. Bring a side dish or a drink to share. This will be a time to meet small group leaders and connect with a small group.
Meet up with God’s Word, some riveting ideas, and a host of interesting people on Sunday mornings at St. Paul. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for sessions in the Chapel, Luther Loft, or Room 208. Find the listing of classes for next week on the Sunday morning learning page.