Habitat for Humanity build dates set
Put on a tool belt and help build simple, decent houses through Habitat for Humanity Quad Cities. This summer, St. Paul volunteers work alongside families who dream of owning a home – and do the work necessary to make that dream a reality. Can’t build? No problem. If you love to cook, please consider bringing a meal to help fuel volunteers.
The Quad-Cities Habitat chapter has built more than 100 homes, including those constructed with St. Paul funding and labor. Several Saturday and Wednesday evening dates are available to work with fellow St. Paul people:
– Saturdays: June 29, July 13, August 17. The morning shifts are 8 a.m.- 12 noon, the afternoon shifts from noon-4 p.m. Lunch is provided; help is needed to provide lunch as well.
– Wednesday evenings: July 24 and August 7, 5-8 p.m., help is needed to provide dinner.
No previous building experience is necessary. To help, sign up here.