Lent Pals connect St. Paul people

News | March 1, 2015

Pastor Chad McKenna asked the crowd gathered in Fellowship Hall this question: How many of you would say your lives are busy?

By a show of hands, it was a room full of people who have their hands full with life – many with just one or two nights a week free – filled with routines of work, sports, music lessons, dinner together.

What Christians will often do for Lent, he said, is give something up, like chocolate or soda pop. What he challenged the group to do instead is to shift their routines for Lent.

That’s where Lent Pals comes in: the households gathered in Fellowship Hall on that Sunday morning in February paired up with another.


They got to know a little about each other – a young couple and a family with elementary school kids, a retired couple and a family with one older and one younger kid, a family with young kids and another family with young kids.

The combinations allowed for all sorts of life experiences to enter into the conversation.

With writing prompts and materials provided (stamps and stationary included), they are now exchanging one letter a week through Lent.

“Sit down together as a family, and write a card to someone else, so this season of Lent we can deepen our faith and be more deliberate,” Pastor Chad said.

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