Pledging and giving information for all St. Paul members
How will financial pledging happen this year?
This week, you will receive a letter from the church with your pledge card enclosed. Simply mail your pledge card back to the church using the enclosed envelope and postage stamp — OR — drop off your pledge card at the church (the Donut Driveup this Sunday, November 15, might be a good opportunity) — OR — pledge online through St. Paul’s website at
Do I still need to pledge if I have recurring automatic payments set up online?
YES!!! Your financial pledge is a 12-month commitment for your giving to St. Paul throughout the upcoming year. The budget for all 2021 daily ministry needs and outreach commitments is based on these financial pledges.
What are recurring automatic payments?
Almost 40% of St. Paul members use a secure online automatic payment program provided by St. Paul in partnership with Vanco Services. Setup for this service is easy to access at This service, a contract between you and your bank, allows you to set up recurring automatic payments from your bank account directly to St. Paul on a monthly or semi-monthly basis.
What is the difference between online pledging and online giving?
Online pledging: There are two basic methods from which to choose when making your financial pledge for the coming year: 1) fill out the pledge card you received in the mail and return it to the church, or 2) go to St. Paul’s website and fill out the online pledge form. The latter method is simply called online pledging. Your pledge is a promise of your giving intent for only the coming year (2021) and is used to craft the coming year’s budget.
Online giving: There are many ways that you can give financially to the church including—checks and cash placed in weekly offering envelopes, distributions from your IRA, gifts of stocks and bonds, or automatic payments from your checking account. The last method is what we refer to as online giving. Online giving involves a contract between you and your bank to disperse funds to St. Paul.
Please note: Online pledging and online giving are separate activities. One does not trigger the other.
Why can’t the church simply calculate my pledge based on what my online automatic payments add up to?
Your current online giving may or may not match up with your desired pledged amount for the coming year. You may, for example, be using additional resources to satisfy your pledge. Or, the expiration date of your online giving may be undetermined or set for some date that falls in the middle of the year. This is why we are reluctant to extrapolate a pledge dollar amount for you based on your online giving.
If I am on St. Paul’s website (, how do I find online pledging or online giving?
To pledge online: Click GIVE on the navigation bar across the top of the home page, then PLEDGE on the drop down menu. The Pledge page will display. In the green area at the top of the page, click PLEDGE FOR 2021.
To set up online giving: Click GIVE on the navigation bar across the top of the home page, then GIVE on the drop down menu. The Give page will display. In the purple area at the top of the page, click GIVE ONLINE, then SETUP OR REVISE A RECURRING GIFT.
For questions concerning pledging, contact
For questions concerning giving, contact