Checkouts increase from St. Paul Library
The dedicated volunteers who lead the St. Paul Library are reporting a very good year for 2018, with 452 checkouts – up from 293 in 2017. The number of children’s books and adult fiction books checked out in 2018 doubled over 2017.
Total Biography Fiction Nonfiction Junior Easy
452 15 80 97 31 229
Total Biography Fiction Nonfiction Junior Easy
293 19 41 111 13 109
“We are surprised and pleased with the large increase in circulation numbers for the past year,” coordinators Joyce Holland and Jolene Mullins said in their report. “Obviously the rise in checkout numbers for the Easies (lower elementary picture books) accounted for most of the increase.”
The St. Paul Library is located on the north end of the Library Commons, in the center of the main level. The library is open whenever the church building is open. On the shelves, find resources on theology, biblical studies, personal growth, devotional readings, fiction and biography, large-print books and colorful children’s books. The library keeps its collection up-to-date through the St. Paul Daily Ministry Fund. Also, the St. Paul Book Corner donates copies of all of its new selections to the library.
An easy self-checkout system offers abundant grace for book returns. One reminder: For those who use the library, please take a look around at home to see if you have any books checked out that should be returned.
Stella Herzig
This is truly wonderful news! Keep on reading, St Paul folk!