Christmas light show, outdoor tree brighten the season
St. Paul presents….a Christmas light show! Come to the parking lot across the street from the South Lawn, tune into 98.3 FM on your radio dial. A 15-minute program with music and a story, featuring St. Paul people, begins on each quarter hour, from 6-10 p.m. The light show, created by Andy Langdon, Todd Byerly, and others, will be on through the month of December.
Also, due to the pandemic, St. Paul decided to move one of the two trees usually inside of the Sanctuary to outside the south-facing doors. This 40-foot-tall tree was lifted into place by a crane, and decorated by Matt Spencer, building supervisor. Come and see the beauty every night through December.
Barbrie Denato
Thanks everyone that helped or is helping in all of this!
Sheila Mesick
Thank you Matt Spencer and all involved. A Merry Christmas to all!