Confirmation faith stories begin this weekend
Faith stories, the culmination of the confirmation experience, are a 2-3 minute presentation. During this time, teenagers will speak about how they see God at work in the world and in their individual lives. Faith stories will be shared during the Sunday morning learning time (10:45-11:30 a.m.) and students will be recognized at either the 9:20 or 11:45 service.
The sessions will be held in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Sunday, September 18, confirmation moment at the 9:20 a.m. service
Stephen Elias
Jack Leslie
Myah Herrington
Morgan Lovaas
Maria Vaaler
Coryn Wilson
Sunday, September 25, confirmation moment at the 9:20 a.m. service
Hannah Belk
Max Murphy
Logan Petersen
Oskar Skogman
Mitchell Strobbe
Logan Suhr
Rachel Anderson
Emma Mask
Morgan McCartney
Jordan Neymeyer
Eve Strasser
Sunday, October 2, confirmation moment at the 11:45 a.m. service
Layken Bytnar
Peyton Bytnar
Matthew Cavins
Trevor Collins
Jack Hester
Jake Hornbuckle
Reid Kuhl
John Mendelin
Chance Moen
Jackson Schou
Nicholas Schweizer
Noah Smith
Sunday, October 9, confirmation moment at the 11:45 a.m. service
Parker Beck
Jack Cannon
Vince Clemons
Mason Gersdorf
Quinn Budde
Holyn Doran
Courtney Hart
Maizie Hepner
Maya Johnson
Taylor Quick
Jenna Riordan
Olivia Vincent
Sunday, October 16, confirmation moment at the 11:45 a.m. service
Matt Klos
Tyler Ragona
Aaron Roehr
Hailie Dreyer
Abby Hamborg
Claire Isbell
Jennifer Mahl
Lauren Posten
Anna Senjem
Alannah Stevens
Linnea Teasdale