Confirmation students create faith stories

News | August 25, 2016

They can write a letter to God, paint a painting, pen a poem, or one of countless other possibilities. Confirmation at St. Paul culminates with students crafting and sharing their faith stories in a two-three minute presentation.

New this year, confirmation concludes at the beginning of the ninth-grade year. Students will share their faith stories during a series of Sunday-morning sessions in Fellowship Hall, Sept. 18-Oct. 16, 10:45-11:30 a.m. All are invited to come and see, hear, experience how these teenagers see God at work in their world. Then, they will be confirmed during worship on the morning they present their story.

A recent workshop helped spark their creativity. They thought about the people, places, things, and Bible stories that sparked their imaginations and faith. Confirmation_workshop

At the “places” station, for example, they considered how every part of our lives takes place somewhere. They brainstormed places where they’ve experienced God’s presence – such as church, the homes of friends or relatives, the outdoors (mountains, beaches, their own backyard), a mission trip site, a hospital room, a cemetery, a soccer field, a vacation destination.

“Our faith doesn’t just grow in our heads or in our hearts,” leader Jamie Moen said. “It grows through experiences in specific locations.”

At the “people” station, they brainstormed their faith heroes – parents, friends, teachers, acquaintances (like the donut counter guy at church). Then they chose brightly colored cards and wrote thank you notes to a handful of the people on their list.

They also thought about things. For example, Pastor Katy Warren showed an example of what kids might write, using her own life as a guide:


They also talked through tips for writing a great faith story.

Write it down. Having a written copy of what you want to say and how you want to say it will go a long way towards making you feel more comfortable sharing and saying what you mean to say.

Think about how you’ve seen God in the world. Consider who God is and how we interact with God. Put in your own words what you think about God now that your confirmation process is over. What does God want from you, and how do people recognize God in the world.

Think about how you’ve seen God in your life. Use personal examples of times when you’ve experienced God. Consider the people, places, and things in your life that have brought you closer or have influenced your perspective.

Use words from the Bible to help articulate your faith. Often inspiration comes from words that others have shared with us. Consider incorporating a favorite Bible verse or passage into your story. Or if you’re looking for the right words to describe your experience, search the Bible for a phrase.

Craft a statement about your personal beliefs. The Apostles Creed is a statement that binds the church in common belief. What parts of that creed do you feel are especially important for you, and how would you say them in your own words.

Imagine what’s next. God calls you to a full life. How will your faith continue throughout high school? Will you attend youth group? Worship regularly? More generously give of your time and money? Will you commit to more mission trips or retreats? Do you see yourself as a leader in this congregation and a person in this community?

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