Food and care ingathering set to mark Thanksgiving
Fill a bag with nonperishable food items and toiletries and bring it to church for St. Paul’s annual Thanksgiving ingathering. Three ways to donate:
■ Items may be brought to the church any time in November, including Donut Driveup Sunday on Nov. 15, 8-11:30 a.m.
■ Call the church office to have a staff member come pick up.
■ Write a check to St. Paul, put Food Pantry in the memo line, and drop it off or mail it to church.
The food goes to the Friendly House Food Pantry in Davenport and the women’s and baby products go to families served by Madison Market.
What’s needed? Soups, mac & cheese, canned meat (chicken & tuna), cereal, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, bar soap, laundry soap, diapers (sizes 5 and 6), wipes and feminine hygiene products (tampons and pads).
Please, no expired items. Questions? Ann McGlynn,