Godspeed to Pastor Hayden Kvamme
Pastor Hayden came to St. Paul with wit, tenacity, and great kindness. His pastoral residency was a unique experience, weathering unknown times, but his adaptability allowed St. Paul to continue thriving through Dad’s group, Virtual Guys Coffee, and other young adult activities and beyond.
Pastor Hayden Kvamme will say goodbye to St. Paul as his two-year pastoral residency comes to an end.
Hayden, his wife Kathryn, and their two young children, Maggie and Owen, will be relocating to Rochester, Minn. in August. Hayden has accepted an associate pastor position at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and his wife will work as a nurse at a local hospital. Hayden’s last weekend at St. Paul will be July 10-11. His work has touched many in their time here.
In their own words
What a trial by fire Hayden has had with 2019-2021! Balancing the needs of his young family with the demands of our congregation would be a challenge with an ordinary residency, but throw in the pandemic and its restrictions – Oh, my! Lesser folk might have stumbled and fallen, but Hayden has survived and thrived. Although COVID has limited his personal contacts with the congregation, he has reached out with phone calls, blogs, homilies during the online church services, and inspired children’s messages. Always welcoming and kind, he has seemed eager to embrace the challenges.
Thank you to Kathryn, Maggie, and Owen for sharing your Hayden with us.” – Suzanne Benson
When Hayden first arrived at St. Paul, it was easy to see he would add so much to this community during his time here. He has a clear and beautiful commitment to intentional fellowship. And then watching him not only adapt, but thrive, in an obviously challenging year (I know, we talk about it too much, but it’s all-consuming) has been an honor. He finds ways to meet people where they are and make them feel valued and seen. It will undoubtedly be sad to see him go, but that is easily overshadowed by the excitement to see what he brings to the next community he is called to serve. – Hans Schnekloth
When Pastor Hayden and I first met we just clicked. I met him a while ago when he came to my house and then he came to the church to meet with
me. He is just a great person. I enjoyed my visits with him the most. I thought it was unusual how well we hit it off because of our age gap but we did. I wish him and his family the best in their future. – Jayne Schroeder
Pastor Hayden Kvamme has done what seemed nearly impossible, organizing a group of men who we have named simply ‘the Dad’s group’. Hayden took the time to reach out and connect with men who are busy with jobs, families, and all the pressures of modern life. By taking that time he helped us form bonds that we never would have made on our own.
During the challenging year that was 2020, the Dad’s group got together outdoors at least once a month for yard games, brewery visits, spike ball tournaments, skiing, card games, and we even brewed a batch of our own IPA.
Over the course of these events, we got to know each other better. We found common interests and common struggles and through all of it had a good time. Building that sense of community is quite an accomplishment in a short time. Hayden will be missed but we are all hoping that what he helped build will last for years. – Sean Harless
Dave and Dortha
We have been attending Coffee Chats since it began in June of 2020. Hayden has co-led these conversations together with Beth Laureijs and Angie Vaaler, and our time with the group has just reinforced our conviction that he’s a treasure and we’re lucky to have him. Hayden has the gift of being able to talk to people of all ages. He makes each person feel special and that their comments are valuable, and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed our time together. In fact, in one of this month’s conversations, we all agreed that we wished he could just stay on permanently! We will miss him and his family, but know he will do well in his new position. – Dave and Dortha DeWit
Most valuable lesson learned at St. Paul
HK: When it comes to forming community, attention to people always comes first. This includes Christian community. St. Paul functions as a church as well as it does because it understands faith is formed in and strengthened by community. The pictures in my mind when I remind myself of this reality will include the gathering area, Madison Market, the North Lawn (this year!), and (of course) the sanctuary at St. Paul, just to name a few.
Favorite QCA place (besides St. Paul of course)
HK: It’s a tie between Sunderbruch Park (which slowly became our family hiking spot on Saturdays), the Farmer’s Market in downtown Davenport, and Vanderveer Park, where we went at least four afternoons per week!
Favorite food at a St. Paul event
HK: Donuts! Especially the super chocolate and blueberry ones.
Resident farewell gift
If you’d like to donate to a gift for Hayden, please write a check to St. Paul clearly marked for “Resident Gift.” You’re also invited to send individual cards or notes to the church, or drop a written expression in the basket on the farewell weekend, July 10 and 11.