Advent devotion: No Control

News | November 28, 2016

By Jerry Fisher

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I was driving to Des Moines for some meetings on Monday. I had just crossed the North Skunk River, when a semi passed me. It wasn’t long before the semi slowed down and was once again alongside me. I quickly glanced over, it was only inches from me, before I could hit the gas the semi hit me, which spun me around in front of the truck, bulldozing me down I-80, glass breaking, drivers side caving in, roof popping up.

When we hit the shoulder of the eastbound lanes, it broke me loose from the truck. I was going backwards across both eastbound lanes, down a 30-foot embankment. I looked up and the truck was heading right for my car.

Somehow the truck veered right enough to miss me, crashed through a fence and finally came to a stop in a cornfield.

The first person to reach me was a guy who was in the car right behind me. The first words out of his mouth were, “I don’t know who you are buddy but you are the luckiest _________ who has ever lived.”

While all that mayhem was going on outside the car, what was going on inside the car will remain embedded in my mind and soul forever.

About a millisecond after my car was hit, my first thought was “I’m dead, no control, no way out.” About the same time I instantly felt this aura, this presence in the car with me. It filled the car, it filled me.

Even though I had no control, my heart wasn’t racing, I was incredibly calm, I thought I was going to die, and was just waiting for the moment. I had no fear of dying – not that I wanted to, but I was not afraid to. Something seemed to be reassuring me I would be OK either way. I felt peaceful. I am convinced that God’s presence, God’s love was in the car with me that beautiful Sunday afternoon. God’s love took control when I had none.

In this season of Advent we once again see the Wonders of His Love, as God brings this baby Jesus into the world to take care of all his children.
To assure us of his never ending love
To forgive us
To renew us
To lead us to everlasting life
For God so loved the world!

Jerry Fisher loves to bike, be outside, and volunteer. He lives in New Boston, Illinois.

One comment on “Advent devotion: No Control”

  • Bonnie Fox

    November 28, 2016 at 4:16 am

    Jerry, thank you for sharing your experience. You are one who lives your faith every day and are an inspiration to all of us. We are grateful you were spared in this accident. Praise God!

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