Welcome Larry Keller, St. Paul’s new groundskeeper
When Larry’s wife Teresa was hired as the St. Paul visitation chaplain in March of 2022, he started volunteering for projects throughout the building. In fact, it was his craftsmanship that made last summer’s I-Spy boxes possible, and the grandfather clock in the church house chimes brightly thanks to Larry’s care. Now, he’s switching gears and spending most of his time outside on the grounds.
“I started mowing lawns when I was 12, eventually moving into construction work a few years later. After owning my own construction company for many years, I transitioned to working for the City of Davenport for 25 years in the public works department. This is my love. I like working with my hands and being outside. I’m thankful to get up in the morning and have a place to go to be around community.”
Larry says his goal is to bring efficiency to his position and to care for the grounds. He credits a lot of the beauty of the grounds to the many groups who work together to provide care.
“St. Paul is active seven days a week and the volunteer groups are what make this campus beautiful. If you take care of your part of the world, it spills into the neighborhood. The Environmental Awareness Team is out picking up litter daily around the grounds and the Make-It-Yours Neighborhood clean-up reaches even farther into the community. I’m excited to see the work from the new Soil Stewards group. We have amazing staff and wonderful volunteers who keep this bustling place going.”