Diaper blessings
“There’s no such thing as other people’s children.”
That thought is the driving force behind a diaper ministry, led by Sara Harless and Amy Philip. They are collecting and distributing diapers and wipes to the mamas and papas at the Madison Market food pantry.
The word has spread, and donations are consistently coming in. A friend who had a birthday party asked for diapers instead of gifts. A gathering of moms prompted a call for diapers and wipes. They are collected and then given to families with babies and toddlers who come to the pantry.
On Sundays, March 12 and 19, Sunday school kids and youth will be able to participate by bringing diapers and wipes as part of the annual Lenten gathering. It will be called Diaper Blessings. *Note: Organizers have discovered that generic diapers and wipes work just as well as name-brand.
“We believe in helping our church neighborhood families keep their children healthy and clean,” Amy said. “The families have told us how these diapers have been such a great help – including a mom of twins and a parent who lost her job.”