Gatherings for support

News | February 14, 2019

With all of the snow and cold, February can be an especially hard month for people experiencing loss or struggling with a difficult situation. St. Paul offers a place for care and compassion, with a variety of support groups.

Stroke Support Group: A new-to-St. Paul stroke support group now meets on the third Wednesdays of the month, 2-3 p.m. The group brings together stroke survivors and their families in an atmosphere of caring and sharing to assist recovery. Contact: Karen Caldwell, kcl254@aol.com.

Survivors of Suicide Loss: Support for those who have lost a friend or family member to suicide at any time, this monthly gathering is for care, compassion, and encouragement. Next meeting is Monday, Martch 4, 6:30 p.m. No need to sign up, just come. Contact: Deb and Joe James, joedeb1984@gmail.com.

Adult Children of Alcoholics: Meeting every Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., this is a group of people who grew up in dysfunctional homes of any type (mental illness, alcoholic, verbally abusive, etc.). Learn together and support each other, using a spiritual approach. Contact: Dick Jensen, rrjensen65@gmail.com.

Friends & Family: On the fourth Monday of the month, 6 p.m., this gathering is for people whose loved ones are impacted by mental illness. Friends & Family is for anyone looking for mutual support by sharing with and listening to others. No need to sign up, just come. Contact: Pastor Sara Olson-Smith, sara@stpaulqc.org.

Motherless Daughters: Open for any woman who has experienced mother-loss at any time and needs a safe place for support. Gather on the second Saturday of the month, 9 a.m., to celebrate our mothers, deepen relationships, and develop a network for continuous healing. Contact: Nicole Rathje, rathjefamily@gmail.com.

Walking the Grief Journey: A supportive, compassion-filled series for those who have experienced the recent loss of a loved one. Explore anger, depression, fears, acceptance, and new strength for a hopeful future. The next session is planned for Sundays, March 17-April 14, 10:20-11:05 a.m. Sign up at stpaulqc.org/signups. Contact: Lynn Batcher Robinson, ldbatcher@hotmail.com.

One comment on “Gatherings for support”

  • Sandy Daily

    February 14, 2019 at 3:17 pm

    What about a group of 60+ year olds to meet from 1-4 pm say on one or two Thursday’s a month to put a puzzle together. Size of each group 3-5 people. Anyone can bring a puzzle and take it back after 4 pm or pass it to another group or give away. This grouping may also discover a new mission in addition to that which takes place putting the puzzles together.

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