Hunger awareness, backpack blessing this weekend
It will be a full Sunday this weekend, Aug. 21, at St. Paul.
Hunger Awareness Weekend
Jesus turned to his disciples and said “You give them something to eat.” On Hunger Awareness Weekend at St. Paul, August 20 & 21, food expresses love for our neighbors.
Stock a paper bag with nonperishable food items and bring it to worship. Please make sure donated items are not expired. What’s needed? Soups, mac & cheese, canned meat (chicken & tuna), cereal, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, bar soap, laundry soap. To help sort the collection at noon on Sunday, Aug. 21, sign up at
Tables will be set up in the Gathering Area for St. Paul people to bring bounty from their gardens. A crop from the St. Paul Community Garden will be there, too. St. Paul people are welcome to take what they can use or share with others. The harvest left over will be donated to Café on Vine.
Back-to-school blessing
The joy and anticipation of a new school year is in the air: school supplies, back packs, and the eagerness of learning new things.
On Sunday, Aug. 21, St. Paul will hold its annual back-to-school blessing.
Students of all ages can bring backpacks and laptop bags to worship at 9:20 and 11 a.m. for a special blessing. Just bring your bags up to the front of the Sanctuary near the altar. The blessing will be during the children’s message. Children will receive small item to remind them God is with them as they return to school.