Luther’s doors: Entering the reformation
For four weeks this summer, July 5-26, St. Paul pastors and staff will lead a lunch-time series about the four doors of the reformation, doors of the places that offered key backdrops to the life of Luther. They include his monastery, University of Wittenberg, Wartburg Castle, and his home. No need to register, just bring a sack lunch if you’d like.
Monastery Door – Security & seclusion
July 5, Peter Marty and Karen Holden
From the moment Martin Luther entered the Erfurt monastery doors in 1505 until he exited in 1512, how did he experience life? Why did Luther enter this order of Augustinian hermits? Why did he depart? Where was he headed? Closed doors can do a lot of good. But can they also block us from the world? An open door can expand our minds and our lives to a larger world. Perhaps we like our doors left slightly ajar.
Wittenberg Door – Transformation sparked
July 12, Amy Diller and Ryan Bailey
According to tradition, on October 31, 1517, Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther was a professor of Bible in Wittenberg and wished to begin a scholarly debate, grounded in scripture, about the practice of selling indulgences. What the authorities initially regarded as “a dispute among monks” sparked a transformation of the church and the entire Western world. The unleashing of God’s word is one of the great legacies of the Reformation.
Wartburg Castle Door – Refuge & healing
July 19, Katy Warren and Ann McGlynn
Wartburg Castle blends into its forest surroundings and is in many ways the ideal castle. Although it has retained some original sections from the feudal period, the form it acquired during the 19th-century reconstitution gives a good idea of what this fortress might have been at the height of its power. It was during his exile at Wartburg Castle that Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German.
Home Door – The threshold of hospitality
July 26, Sara Olson-Smith and Tammy Hermanson
Luther and his wife Katherine opened the door of their home to all kinds of people. A friend described their constant flow of guests as a “miscellaneous crowd.” Students, exiled clergy and escaped nuns, politicians, children, and travelers gathered at their table for rich conversation. As we talk about the open hearts and doors of the Luther family, we’ll discover how we might deepen our own ability to welcome others into our lives, and discover the joy of homecoming.
Luan and William Adams
We would like to attend the “Entering the Reformation” series although we are not members of St. Paul
Lutheran. It is billed as a lunch series. How is that handled? Do we need to register?
Ann McGlynn
You are very welcome to attend!! No need to register, just bring a sack lunch with you.
Tom Fedje
I would like to attend. What time, dates, cost, do we bring our lunch & which church room? Tom Fedje. 563/320-0376
Ann McGlynn
Hi Tom! The series will be on Wednesdays in July, from 12 noon-1 p.m. in the Library Commons at St. Paul. It’s free and please do bring a lunch!
Tom Fedje
Thanks for your response. Please sign me up. Looking forward to the sessions. Tom Fedje, 563-320-0376