Where is Pastor Sara?

News | July 20, 2023

If you don’t see Pastor Sara in the pulpit or around St. Paul as much this summer, there’s a very good reason why. The Personnel Committee granted her request for a study leave from mid-July through mid-August, taking time way to focus on writing. A small portion of this time away will be spent on creating stories for the second season of the Little Bird and Jesus podcast. While season one told the story of the life of Jesus, season two will share the stories of the people Jesus met.

The main focus of Sara’s time away, however, will be writing a book about her time as pastor of a church in New Jersey. The book centers on that congregation’s difficult decision to close and how the people worked through that transition with courage, faithfulness, and generosity.

“I’m excited to have the time to write. Right now, I write when I can. Bits and pieces of chapters here and there, early in the morning or after the kids are in bed. I’m writing to honor the people from that church and provide encouragement for others going through a similar type of loss.”

Part of Sara’s time will be spent in New Jersey, visiting with former members of the church and seeing the new congregation that has been established in their former church building.

2 Comments on “Where is Pastor Sara?”

  • Rolla Lucas

    July 22, 2023 at 6:07 am

    Miss and love you eminencely. Keep in touch with us. God’s speed on your journey.

  • Vicki Felger

    July 20, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    Well Pastor Sara, we will absolutely miss your winning smile, inspiring sermons and warm welcomes and farewells. I am also absolutely delighted that you will have some time to follow your dream and share your stories with all of us!! Blessings on your journey!
    Vicki Felger

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