A thrill of hope: Upcoming events

Mission | December 20, 2020

When I was young, I recall piling in the old Plymouth with my Mom, Dad and brothers for a drive to see the Christmas lights in town. That was a thrill – and I still love seeing the beauty of lights at this most wonderful time of year. I have come to realize that much of the thrill comes from the anticipation of Christmas. For me, it begins immediately after Thanksgiving; and I find the excitement even greater when some of the preparation is my responsibility. It begins with decorating our home to be a welcoming place for all. Then comes the decoration of the Christmas tree, followed by shopping, baking, and greetings by phone or mail to friends and family – all in anticipation of celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Anticipation of similar celebration events bring joy to my life. A planned family gathering, a birthday, Thanksgiving, and Easter all require similar preparation. I look forward to the hugs, the chatter, the games, the visits – the joy of just being together.

While some people enjoy surprises, I’d rather be thinking about and planning for the upcoming event. This is likely why I loved the anticipation of childbirth. We are blessed with three children. The excitement of planning for their arrival was something precious to us. It was always such fun to get everything ready – to prepare.

At times, our plans do not end with results we have expected. We were looking forward to our first child with great excitement.  When she was stillborn, we had to adjust to our heartbreak. Through sadness and grieving, comes an opportunity to find a blessing. We gained an empathy for others in pain. I also grew an increased appreciation and gratitude for the miracle of childbirth.

We will continue to enjoy the many blessings of life and life to come; and anticipate the thrill found, even in life’s surprises!

Mary Jorth lives in Davenport with her husband, Dave. She loves Christmas music, card games, reading, and baking. She also loves visiting with friends.

One comment on “A thrill of hope: Upcoming events”

  • Dixie Kutzbach

    December 20, 2020 at 8:24 am

    Beautiful, Mary Beth. I especially loved your thoughts on preparations. Merry Christmas!

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